Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Family Ties

My mom used to tell me stories when I was younger about her experiences growing up with 6 sisters and 1 brother in the Philippines. She used to describe their simple living conditions and sacrifices needed to make ends meet. Despite having tremendous financial challenges, their parents always instilled a sense of unity throughout their lives, a truly "All for one. One for all" philosophy. Although they were not wealthy in materialistic gains, she never failed to mention the constant stream of warmth, laughter, and love that filled their home. 

It wasn't until this past month, when her sisters had the opportunity to visit, did I truly get a taste of the craziness it must've been to live like them. With 15 people living in one house, I would come always come home to never ending stories, full of laughs that permeated through the walls, and everyone's silly antics. However, it wasn't until this month that I understood my mom's  

I am unbelievably lucky to have opportunities and material possessions that my mom didn't have at my age. But what I've come to learn is that nothing could ever surmount to the warmth, the joy, and the happiness that a close family bond can truly bring. You'd think 15 people living under one roof for a month would be crazy, crowded, and intense. It definitely was at times. 

But I would not trade those precious moments in for the world. 
Come back already. I miss you guys!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Zen, Nature, and Northern Channel Islands

Bucket List #153: Get my Scuba Diving License
Location: Anacapa Island, Northern Channel Islands