Thursday, November 22, 2012

Going in Blind... Sorta

After three hours of waiting at the DMV with no luck at getting a license, I decided to give this guy a chance. His name was Nick. He was white, athletic, 25 years old and attractive in the pictures I had seen of him. This was the first date I’ve actually been on since starting this whole dating process. I was so nervous, armpit sweaty nervous. I had just gotten out of my MCAT class ready to meet him at a really chill tea place in Hollywood. I was late, he was late. But based on his resounding voice on the phone when he called me to ask where I was, I knew this was going to be really fun. I got super excited.  

We talked and talked and talked for three hours. About everything, anything really. He was more handsome in person than I had recalled. There was definitely a mix of Adam Levine with Freddy Prince Junior. He was a financial analyst for Warner Bros. I remember constantly thinking how attractive he was, how overly bubbly I was since I was super nervous. I don’t know why but I was like a little school girl who had a little crush. It was pretty obvious. Somehow, it had started sprinkling outside and we decided to go for a walk nonetheless. We walked through some neighborhoods, went back and went to my car so I could drop him off to his. He stayed in my car for a little bit, didn’t really seem like he wanted to leave… so we stayed. And again we chatted. This guy was ridiculously attractive and the night kept going on superbly.  

Eventually, I decided to opt out and leave since it was getting late. So after awkwardly saying our goodbyes and trying to shy away from kissing each other, I drove away really giddy, super excited, and just glowing. It was one of the best first blind dates I’ve ever been on. I remember calling Shefalee at 1:30am smiling from cheek to cheek ready to tell her the events of what happened that night. 

Thank you Nick… for showing me that first blind dates aren’t so bad after all. They could actually be pretty splendid!

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